The monthly traffic feature, which is sometimes also referred to as bandwidth or info transfer, indicates the total amount of info which is uploaded to your shared hosting account and downloaded from it monthly. Your website traffic is produced mainly by website visits - whenever somebody comes across your website, the pages they see are downloaded from your web hosting server to his or her computer or smartphone and they're displayed by the internet browser. What counts towards the traffic generated is the overall size of these pages, hence the more website visitors you have for some period of time, the more web site traffic will be generated. Along with the website visits, file uploads will also be counted towards the total monthly transfer which means that when you upload website content or some other files using a file manager or an FTP program, they will also generate some traffic. The counter resets on the very first day of each month and it's not related to the date you have signed up as well as the date you have renewed your website hosting package.

Monthly Traffic in Shared Hosting

All of our shared services are designed with the notion to take care of the traffic produced by any kind of site that can run in such an account. If you have one or multiple small or medium-sized websites, you will not be limited by the monthly website traffic quota whatever the content you have - plain text or plenty of images, for example. The stats in the hosting Control Panel will provide you with in-depth info about the website traffic generated by each and every web site plus the total amount for your account altogether. The numbers are updated in real time and display both the day-to-day and the monthly usage, therefore you will be aware of how much info is transferred to and from your web hosting account at any moment. The first day of every month the counter is reset, but you will be able to view the site traffic stats for the previous months, that will give you an idea how your web sites perform.

Monthly Traffic in Semi-dedicated Hosting

All of our semi-dedicated server plans are suitable to host a number of resource-hungry web sites since they feature a great deal of processing power. Such websites often generate a lot of site traffic and because of this we've decided not to restrict this feature. With a semi-dedicated server, you'll be able to have as many visitors as you can get without worrying that you will hit some limit for the site traffic they can produce. To save you time, you will be able to monitor what is going on in your account because we'll supply you with hourly, daily and monthly stats for the web site traffic your web sites produce. Which means that, you will be aware of how they perform at any time. You'll even be able to view which webpage or file has generated most of the traffic for each and every site in your semi-dedicated server account.

Monthly Traffic in VPS Web Hosting

The monthly site traffic allowance that you receive with our VPS web hosting is enough for any type of web site and it's proportionate to the rest of the system resources that are included with each and every package. Using a more powerful server, you will be able to run numerous web sites or several extremely popular sites, thus the website traffic allowance for the higher plans is also greater. If you select a low-end VPS plan, you are able to improve it at any time with a few clicks via your billing Control Panel and the supplementary resources will be allocated to your current account, which includes the increased website traffic allowance. All the VPS accounts feature a server administration panel where you have the option to monitor the used and remaining website traffic for the current month as well as all other system resources. Furthermore, we send announcements once you get to 90% of your limit, so that you have sufficient time to react and upgrade if you find it necessary.

Monthly Traffic in Dedicated Servers Hosting

The dedicated servers hosting that we supply include large traffic quotas that are sufficient for any kind of website, even a video streaming portal or a well-liked social network. Terabytes of website traffic will be available to you each month and the management panel that is featured with each dedicated server will give you information how much information has been transferred already and what amount is left for the current month. In order to avoid service disruptions, we will let you know if you reach 90% of the allowance and you're able to either lessen the traffic made by your web sites by optimizing their content material, or you will be able to increase the allowance for your account. It's highly unlikely that you will ever need such an upgrade, but we chose to leave this alternative open. The statistics in that panel contain the entire website traffic, in contrast to the information from your hosting Control Panel where you can see only the traffic from sites, but not from server-side software downloads and / or updates.