PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor, popularly known as PHP, is a popular interpreted programming language, which is used to build dynamic websites with interactive elements such as message boards, online learning sites or social networking sites. In comparison with static HTML-based sites, a PHP website can serve unique web content to each visitor under the same exact page URL. Given the fact that PHP-based Internet applications can be managed through one Control Panel, which you can sign on to using any web browser, you won’t have to possess any computer programming abilities or previous experience whatsoever to maintain a PHP-driven site. The fact that 100s of millions of sites around the world are created in PHP is indicative of the popularity and the ease of use of the language. You should only check if the server where you host your site supports the very same version of PHP as the one that you used whilst building the site.

PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 Support in Shared Hosting

Our shared hosting servers support several versions of PHP, so your websites will work correctly no matter if your scripts are outdated. We know that an old website doesn’t necessarily mean an insecure one as you may have performed plenty of code mods. That’s the reason why we support PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 and you can choose which one will be active for your account. You can change the version with only one single mouse click inside your Hepsia Control Panel and the new settings will take effect instantly. In case you wish to run both newer and older scripts, there is even an option to use a different version of PHP for each domain of yours simultaneously.

PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 Support in Semi-dedicated Hosting

Our semi-dedicated services support multiple PHP versions, which suggests that you’ll be able to use all the Internet applications that you have built throughout the years. The Hepsia Control Panel, which comes with each and every semi-dedicated server account, will permit you to enable the required version with only one mouse click. You can pick between PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8. In case you wish to host multiple websites in the same account and they have diverse requirements for the web hosting platform, you’ll be able to specify a different PHP version for each of them irrespective of which version is enabled for the account itself. That’s achievable owing to our custom cloud web hosting platform, which permits us to run several PHP versions simultaneously. In comparison, the vast majority of hosting companies usually offer one, in extremely rare cases – two versions.